My research interests are in the fields of algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and Lie theory, where I enjoy considering geometric objects whose study can be addressed by combinatorial methods and the combinatorics that arise.

Here is a brief summary of my most recent research projects.


  1. Fibers of Projected Richardson Varieties, AMS Special Sessions on Connections between Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Combinatorics II, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Apr. 2024)

  2. Equidimensional Fibers of Richardson Varieties, Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic forms (TORA), University of Oklahoma (Oct. 2023)

  3. Projections of Richardson Varieties, Combinatorics Seminar, University of Washington (Oct. 2023)

  4. Locally Compact Groups, Lie algebra Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Oct. 2023)

  5. Fibers of Projected Richardson Varieties, MGSS Academic Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Feb. 2023)

  6. Pattern Avoidance and Fiber Bundle Structure on Schubert Varieties, Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium, Kansas University (Dec. 2022)

  7. Pattern Avoidance and Fiber Bundle Structure on Schubert Varieties, AMS Sectional Meeting, University of Massachusetts Amherst (Oct. 2022)

  8. Defining as a Mathematical Activity, Math Education Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Nov. 2015)

  9. Introduction to Matroids II, Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Nov. 2015)

  10. Introduction to Matroids I, Commutative Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Oct. 2015)

  11. Furstenberg Topology and Arithmetic Progressions of Primes, Junior Number Theory Seminar, Oklahoma State University (Oct. 2014)



  1. Robberson Research Fellowship (May 2023)